The Andy Awards

Nominate Now for 2025

2024 Andy Award Winners

Business of the Year
Cerbat Dental

Educator of the Year
Kathy Scroggins

Citizen of the Year
Butch & Chris Meriweather

Organization of the Year
KRMC Volunteers

Lifetime Achiever
Mary Chan

Chamber Member of the Year
Tom Price

Ambassador of the Year
Amanda Heiler

Business Person of the Year
Dannie Owens

Student of the Year
Sophia Meredith

Public Service Award
Anna Anderson & K9 Lilly

Most Improved Commercial Property
City of Kingman Downtown Streetscapes

President's Award
Benny DeBaca Jr

Board Member of the Year
Laurie Voss-Barthlow

Special Thanks to the Rodeo Queens

Pro Rodeo Queen - Alyssa Tudor | Pro Rodeo Teen Queen - Sydney Humble


Citizen of the Year

Open to any Kingman resident who has made a major contribution of time and energy toward improving our local quality of life.

Student of the Year

Open to any Kingman student (grade one through college) whose efforts have made a positive impact on our community and who is an exemplary role model for others.

Educator of the Year
Open to any teacher, counselor, school administrator or member of the clergy who has established himself/ herself as an outstanding role model for students and
other educators.

Organization of the Year

Open to any formally recognized non-profit civic group that has made a concentrated effort through its nature or a specific project toward the betterment of Kingman.

Business of the Year

Awarded to any formally recognized Kingman business that has made a deliberate and focused effort, by its nature or through a specific project, to improve our local quality of life while maintaining a rigorous standard of work excellence.


Lifetime Achiever

Open to any Kingman resident who has dedicated his/her
life, year after year, to the advancement of Kingman and
its citizens.

Most Improved Commercial Property

Open to any resident who has upgraded an existing nonresidential building, improving the area and increasing neighborhood property values. At least one photo must be submitted from “Before” and “After”.

Public Service Award

Open to local government employees, fire, police, sheriff, hospitals, or any industry that provides a public service.

Business Person of the Year

This is open to a business owner who exemplifies excellence,
integrity, and initiative in his or her profession and is a business
role model. This person also volunteers time and/or resources to
community events and has a passion for helping others.


How to Nominate:
  1. Nominate your “Andy” under one of the nine categories above by completing the application.
  2. Return completed application to the Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce by end of business day on or before Friday August 30, 2024.Please note: The nominee listed will be judges exclusively by the information provided on this form.

    The individual being nominated may not have won an Andy Award in the past 3 calendar years.

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